Wednesday, 3 August 2011

I have things, soon to share !

Progress ! Sweet progress ^_^ Also I've got Mike and Matt into the UDK which means that we're all gonna become fucking pimp-wizards together.

So what have I learnt? After a good amount of rubbing my face all over the UDK source code and internet I've got a number of the things that I wanted to understand understood. I now "get" pawn animations along with a decent understanding of AnimationTrees, plus how to get the first person character specific hands that come along with the UDK Liam model ingame and working. I'm gonna record a tutorial soon as it's something that I had to dig for.

That's a hand ! A Robot hand of my robot character ^_^ It might not look it but this pic represents a lot of win for me especially considering that I was trying to tackle things at an odd angle. For some reason I'm determined to learn the tools to make a fully functioning custom main character, so that includes things like importing custom 3d models, custom 3rd person and 1st person animations.

For the most part I have all those pieces working, now I need to put them together and hope they don't break ^_^

I've also been playing around with APEX destructables which are fun if not a very unfinished feature, not being able to set mass is a good example of something huge missing.

When I got too frustrated with figuring out that stuff I took a break and learnt a few other things + did some light 3d modelling/rigging. I've been trying to rig a frickin' awesome model of Fei Long that was ripped from SSFV but I've never done any proper rigging so it's hard ^_^ For the most part I have it working but his hand's skin weight is a mess. The good news is that the udk imported the skeletal mesh + materials no problem (including bump map) so he looked awesome ingame ! He's rigged to the default UDK skele too so he can use all the default animations, but the skinning isn't finished so it spazzes out every now and then :(

I modeled a crap flat in half an hour ! Here it is in all it's basic semi textured glory. The next thing that I model I'm going to put everything I have into it and stop hiding behind how little time I spend on it ^_^ I used to be "not totally newbie" at modelling stuff and I'd like to get better than I was. I think I'll put aside a whole day soon and model something.

Also I'm noticing the lighting seems a little off on some of the triangles underneath the windows, any idea how to prevent that?

What else... Oh I watched the tuts on soft body and cloth simulation so that's added to my bag o tricks ^_^ Plus I spent an hour today getting the hoverboard ingame and I'd like to release a tutorial on that too (the old ones no longer work) plus explain why you have to do certain things to get it ingame.

Also I've started to take a proper look at how the pawns plus controllers work, starting out with writing my own basic enemy, which lead to this:

At the moment it's very simple stuff, making them move toward me a little then making them go into ragdoll mode briefly.

One thing I am noticing is that in UTDeathmatch the bots are accessing the SQUAD variable lots and comming up with an exception:

ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Squad'
SSEnemyController DM-Test.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.SSEnemyController_1
Function UTGame.UTBot:HearNoise:020E

This isn't just in HearNoise either. I need to figure out if assigning a default squad is the right solution or simply overriding the functions is a better bet as I bet the exceptions are eating into the performance and I'd like to know how many of these I can get running around the game.

So what's next?
  • Release a firstperson arms tutorial
  • Learn more about the pawns/controllers + make something cool
  • Learn another random part of the UDK
  • Create a new enemy including : New model, new skeleton, new animations, new animtree, new AI

This post marks the start of me getting closer to obtaining the rank of "Not totally crap" at the UDK.

*Raises glass*


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